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chemistry workshop 1

Chaotic Chemistry Workshop

Cool chemistry around us.

Hands-on vacation or school workshop all about the types of changes

The mysterious chemical world is explored using materials often found around the home AND science equipment from science laboratories.


Kitchen chemistry is investigated while using real science indicator paper to test for differences in pH values of chemicals and more. Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to primary students:

  • kitchen chemistry pH testing using indicator solution & indicator paper (acids & bases)

  • physical changes vs. chemical reactions

  • The classic bicarb and vinegar reaction in STYLE. We launch rockets! (needs large outdoor space).

  • properties of solids, liquids and gases

  • Not 1, Not 2 but THREE Coke mentos geysers (explore variables in an AMAZING way!)

  • energy changes and more…

Cabbage pH

A great way to explore the natural indicator in cabbage and pH of common materials around the kitchen.

cabbage pH chemistry workshop school

Ph Paper

Real indicators from labs are used to test those tricky chemicals.

chemistry workshop school acids bases
column density chemistry workshop school

Dastardly Density tubes

Who can make the tallest density column?

Using special tall plastic tubes and pipettes, the challenge is on!

Rainbow Mentos Geyser chemistry workshop school

Coke Mentos 

Thermochromic pigments are used to create an amazing slime here.

Skittle Colour


As we do this amazing experiment, we explore the science of diffusion, gravity & concentration.

chemistry workshop school

Sherbet mouth explosion

An acid - carbonate reaction in your mouth.

(in longer 90 min session)

sherbet powder chemistry workshop school
Dino Slime 12 copy.jpg
green slime. chemistry workshop school

We also explore gravity defying slime.

This super sticky slime is amazing and actually seems to defy gravity!


  • Appropriate for ages 5 and up with a maximum of 30 children per class

  • 6 Tables arranged around a room. ​​

  • Some activities need outside space.​​

  • Duration 60 minutes, set up time 45 minutes and pack up time 45 minutes

Booking Info

email me (Darin) at 

containing the information below or fill out the form. I will get back to your by the end of the day (if not sooner).


​​$540 (incl  GST)  for 60 minutes or $640 (incl GST) for 90 minutes per workshop.


Enquire - Chaotic Chemistry

Encouraging curious minds


chemistry workshop school
02:30 PM

Thanks for enquiry. I will get back to you by the end of the day, if not earlier.

A show experience for bigger groups! 

rocket show

Wacky Science Show

Interactive BIG Show for larger audiences

looney LN exp title

LN Show

Interactive LN Show for larger audiences.

ooze slime

Get your own Slime test tubes

Class sets available

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