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This resource contains 1  Synthesis A3 Poster and 8 lab station cards for the senior chemistry classroom. They are highly visual:


- Pictures of in-lab demonstrations

- 8 lab cards


Use the poster as a display poster OR as a group based activity. The cards are designed to enable the students to explore a variety of reactions in a hands on way and reinforce the concepts in the videos in my online video course for senior chemistry. Coming soon are primary school experiments in Crazy Kids LAB


The posters are A3 in size which were designed for printing and laminating. Great for display on walls, A3 laminated cards for group work to examine while completing worksheets etc.


The complete M8 Poster Set is here


The complete Study card set is here.


The complete Poster & study card pack is here.


In Development (Early Access Opportunity)


Video Courses

- Use in a Flipped Learning teaching style-classroom / HW support

  • In-Flip or at home use
  • Control pace of learning


- Gamified environment

  • Point system
  • Animations
  • Bonus material


- REAL lab experiences

  • Content with in lab experiences up close!


- Student note taking support

  • Student now more than ever just watch with little note taking.
  • Videos (like we do in a classroom) remind students to take notes, highlight key terms, make connections between video / content areas etc


- Literacy Support

  • ALL videos have closed captions which provides visual help for students learning as a second language
  • Dyslexia language support


- Multiple Choice (being added) Questions

  • After each video (soon to have analytics for teachers)


- Worksheets (being added)

  • FREE worksheets
  • Addition resources seen in my TpT site will be available for FREE to teachers who has a school subscription. (Posters, activity cards, etc)


- Immediate question and answer help using an AI bot


- Forum community

  • Share resources, study tips, etc in a supportive environment to help learning.


Courses available


1. Junior Science

2. Senior HSC Chemistry,   Prelim Chemistry

3. Senior HSC Physics,    Prelim Physics


Teachers / schools interested in early access reduced cost, email myself at and I can arrange a FREE trial period to investigate and then a reduced cost to access courses while it is being developed.


As always, please let me know any errors or typos you may find as they do occur being only Human... before you provide feedback. I will address any issues quickly and get it sorted.

A3 Poster - Synthesis Reactions & Lab cards

GST Included

    Study Card Sets